1. 這兩年寫得最勤的是詩評詩話,迄今已累近八萬字,可以編訂為一冊新詩評論集了。《記憶有樹》名為散文隨筆集,實有一半為詩評詩話,或許那時不出集,留待現在彚為一冊會更好。
2. 原來這兩年也寫了不少詩,今天一算,共有六十多首。重讀了一遍,刪去十多首自己不大喜歡或寫得不夠好的,還餘下48首,下半年若多寫一點(想寫一些較長的詩),再裁汰一次,明年或可再出一本詩集。
3. 《新報》每周一次的專欄「字如初見」寫到今年五月便被終結,壽命不到一年,沒想到《主場新聞》也突然關門,今年的文運好像頭頭碰著黑,以後的練筆文章,恐怕只能在自己的網誌和臉書上出現了。
2 則留言:
這麼躁動不安的時代,這麼擁擠喧囂的城市,網主還能靜得下心來寫詩,寫緩緩的文字,這件事本身就好了不起! 有很多人讀當然最好,沒太多人讀絲毫無損您的 work 的價值。 我會常常來捧場的,儘管自己非常忙,讀詩的時間怎樣都要擠出來。
想起 Browning 的幾句,貼在這裡,祝網主繼續寫並寫得開心。
Not on the vulgar mass
Called ‘work’, must sentence pass,
Things done, that took the eye and had the price;
O’er which, from level stand,
The low world laid its hand,
Found straightway to its mind, could value in a trice:
But all, the world’s coarse thumb
And finger failed to plumb,
So passed in making up the main account;
All instinct immature,
All purposes unsure,
That weighed not as his work, yet swelled
the man’s amount:
Thoughts hardly to be packed
Into a narrow act,
Fancies that broke through language and escaped;
All I could never be,
All, men ignored in me,
This, I was worth to God, whose wheel the pitcher shaped.
謝謝您的留言與鼓勵。也謝您貼上適切的 Browning 的詩句。